
Lithuania Gambling Supervisory Authority


According to a new survey commissioned by the Lithuanian Gambling Supervisory Authority, the majority of Lithuanians support a ban on advertising gambling products. While gambling became legal with the passing of the Gambling Regulation in 2001, as of 2016, online gambling and running an online casino is only allowed if the operator has been issued a valid license by the Gaming Control Authority, and, if the company has no physical office in Lithuania, has partnered up with one of the land-based gambling establishments.

  1. Lithuania Gambling Supervisory Authority Mauritius
  2. Lithuania Gambling Supervisory Authority Definition
  3. Lithuania Gambling Supervisory Authority Act

The Lithuania Gambling Supervisory Authority is going to apply to the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court to grant it the power to block access and payments to unlicensed gambling sites. Authority Issuing Licenses for Organizing Gaming 1. Licences for organizing games shall be issued by the Gaming Control Authority under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter - the Control Authority).

Lithuania Gambling Supervisory Authority Mauritius

The survey of 1,001 adults found that in total, 12% of respondents said they gambled – excluding playing lotteries – in the past year, with men aged 29 or under the most likely group to gamble.

Meanwhile, 43% played lotteries, down from 51% in the previous year’s survey, with those aged 40-49 most likely to play.

Among those who gambled on non-lottery products, 47% said they did so at slot machine parlours, up from 33% in 2019. Meanwhile, 41% gambled online, compared to 38% in 2019, while 29% bet on sports, down one percentage point, and 26% went to casinos, down 6%.

Lithuania Gambling Supervisory Authority Definition

Of the gamblers, 43% said they only gambled once a year or less. Meanwhile, 34% said they gambled at least once a month.

The average gambling spend per session was €20.

Among lottery players, 88% bought their tickets at retail outlets.

While just under half of respondents (47%) said they had seen gambling advertisements, the majority were of the opinion that new controls for marketing should be introduced.

Of those surveyed, 76% said gambling advertising should be reduced, while 52% said it should be banned outright, compared to only 22% who said that lottery advertisements should be banned.


However, 51% also agreed that the gambling industry was important for Lithuania’s economy.

A majority (56%) also supported raising the maximum age to buy a lottery ticket from 16 to 18.

The survey also found that 74% of respondents recognised that gambling can be addictive, while 68% said they were familiar with retail self-exclusion tools. In addition, 53% said that advertisements about the potential dangers of gambling were important.

Lithuania Gambling Supervisory Authority Act

Furthermore, 60% said they knew what the Gambling Supervisory Authority does, but the number who said they had never heard of it increased.

In August, the Gambling Supervisory Authority reported that operators brought in revenue of €43.8m (£4.0m/$5.2m), down 15.9%, in the first half of 2020, as the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic led to online revenue overtaking land-based.